
You can see the number of clicks and views for actions. You can view how much interaction an action has received from here.

  1. STATUS You can see the section indicating the status of the action (Active, Passive, Test) based on the mode it is currently in.

  2. NAME You can see which action it is.

  3. SESSION COUNT You can see the total number of different individuals who entered the site and triggered this action.

  4. TRIGGER COUNT It shows the total number of times this action has been triggered.

  5. TOTAL-SALES RATIO The number and percentage of sales that occurred in instances where the action was displayed.

  6. CLICK COUNT The number of clicks on buttons or links within the action.

  7. CLICK-SALES RATIO The number and percentage of sales when there is any click interaction in the displayed action.

  8. CLICK-SELECTED PRODUCT RATE The number and percentage of purchases of the recommended product when there is a click on the recommended product in the displayed action.

  9. CLOSED COUNT The number of times the close option is clicked in the displayed action. (Not every action may have this option).

In analytics, you can select specific day intervals and view the data for actions within the days you specified.

Last updated